言語治療篩查日 (2018年10月13-14日)
Speech Therapy Screening Day (13th & 14th October, 2018)
香港中文大學醫學院耳鼻咽喉—頭頸外科學系主辦之「言語語言病理理學碩士」課程將於 2018年9月份正式開課,此課程目的是為了讓有志成為言語治療師的人士而設,為了讓本碩士課程之學生能在診所內接受臨床訓練,從而汲取工作經驗,本課程現正招募懷疑患有溝通障礙之兒童及青少年(例:語言障礙 / 發音障礙 / 聲線障礙 / 流暢障礙 ),以優惠價錢,進行為期約十星期之密集式言語治療服務(備註:此言語治療服務將由香港中文大學「言語語言病理理學碩士」學生計劃及進行,由擁有豐富臨床經驗之言語治療師進行督導)。為了邀請合適之兒童及青少年,本學系將舉辦為期兩天之「言語治療篩查日」,是次篩查將由合資格之言語治療師免費為參加者進行語言/發音/聲線/流暢度之篩查,篩查完成後設有簡單口頭報告向家長匯報。以下是「言語治療篩查日」之詳情:
活動: 「言語治療篩查日」
目的: 透過言語治療之篩查,篩選患有語言障礙 、 發音障礙 、 聲線障礙 或 流暢障礙之兒童及青少年,進行為期約十星期之言語治療課程(詳情將在篩查日向家長公布)
母語:粵語 、英語 或 普通話
篩查時間: 約20-30分鐘
結果匯報: 約10-15分鐘
地點: 香港中文大學 教研樓二座 303室
如有興趣之家長,請填妥資料,當本學系收到 貴子弟之資料後,將有專人於八月底前用電郵或電話聯絡閣下,以確定所參與之日期及時間。各時段的參加名額有限,會以先到先得的形式安排,如有查詢,請發電郵至speechtherapy@ent.cuhk.edu.hk或 致電3943 9609與杜小姐聯絡,謝謝!
The Master of Science Programme in Speech-Language Pathology, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of The Chinese University of Hong Kong will be launched in September, 2018. This course is designed to train qualified speech therapist meeting international standards. Students in this Master’s programme are required to complete clinical practicum on various disorders in communication and swallowing. The programme is currently recruiting children and adolescents with suspected communication disorders (e.g. language disorders, speech sound disorders, voice disorders, or fluency disorders) to attend an intensive speech therapy service (around 10 weeks) at a preferential price. (Remarks: this speech therapy service will be implemented by our Master’s students under the supervision of qualified speech therapists with rich clinical experience). In order to select suitable children and adolescents, our Department will organize a 2-day ‘Speech Therapy Screening Day’. The screening will be provided free of charge by qualified speech therapists. The screening includes language, speech, voice and fluency abilities of the children and the adolescents. After the screening, there will be a brief verbal report to the parents. The followings are the details of the ‘Speech Therapy Screening Day’:
Name of the event: ‘Speech Therapy Screening Day’
Purpose: To recruit children and adolescents with language disorders, speech sound disorders, voice disorders or fluency disorders for a 10-week intensive speech therapy course. (The details will be announced to parents / guardians on the screening day)
Age of participants: 2-18 years old
Mother tongue: Cantonese, English or Mandarin
Date: 13th & 14th October, 2018 (Saturday & Sunday)
Duration of Screening and report briefing: ~ 20-30 minutes
Duration of report briefing: ~10-15 minutes
Venue: Room 303, Academic Building No. 2, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
If you are interested to attend, please fill in the following information. Upon receiving the information, the Department will contact you by email or by phone to confirm the date and time of the screening by the end of August, 2018. The number of places in each session is limited and will be arranged on a first-come, first-served basis. For any enquiries, please email us at speechtherapy@ent.cuhk.edu.hk or phone contact Ms. Rina To at 3943 9609.
Thank you very much for your attention!