Dear Sir/Madam,
TAK SUN Secondary school is going to invite tenders for after-school student support programmes (dyslexia, ADHD, autism, speech language impairment, etc.) in the coming year (2022-23) and school-based educational psychologist services (2022-24) for the next two years. If you are interested in bidding, please provide your detail mailing address. The school will send the details to your institution. If you have any enquiries, please contact me or Mr. Mervyn LAM at 2317 4339. Thanks a lot.
本校將就來年(2022-23)課後學生支援小組(讀寫障礙小組、專注力不足/過度活躍症小組、自閉症小組、語言障礙小組)及未來兩年(2022-24)的校本教育心理學家服務進行招標。 如 貴機構有意投標,請告知詳細郵寄地址。本校稍後會把詳情寄到 貴機構。如有任何查詢,請致電 2317 4339 與施家祺老師或林堅恆副校長聯絡。衷心感謝!
Best Regards,Patrick SZE
SENCO TAK SUN Secondary school